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No More Awkward Money Talks on
Group Trips!

Tired of splitting expenses during group trips? Owemee is the ultimate expense-splitting app that takes the hassle out of shared costs. Say goodbye to mental math, scattered notes, and awkward conversations.

Focus on making unforgettable memories while Owemee handles tracking and splitting expenses. Clear, easy, and hassle-free expense management.

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Owemee offers

3 pay-per-use plans

Owemee is a pay-per-use app, meaning you only pay when you use it. No subscriptions, no recurring fees. Choose a plan that suits the duration you need.

Free Plan

  • Duration: 1 Week (Not Extendable)
  • Users: 2
  • Active Transactions: 20


1 Week Plan

  • Duration: 1 Week (Extendable)
  • Users: 2 - 12
  • Active Transactions: 100


2 Weeks Plan

  • Duration: 2 Weeks (Extendable)
  • Users: 2 - 12
  • Active Transactions: 200


© 2024 Kent Miguel. All rights reserved

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